Cookie Policy

We use cookies to provide you with a better service and a better browsing experience, as well as to be able to show you advertising based on your browsing habits. We are responsible for the installation of the cookies we use and what we do with the data we obtain from them, whether they are our own or third-party cookies.


We have structured this policy in the following drop-downs to facilitate access to the points of your interest, however, we recommend that you read it in its entirety.

Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser when you visit our website. These files contain information about your browsing and interaction with our website, with the purpose of making your user experience more efficient and being able to show you advertising based on your browsing habits. Some cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our website, such as technical or user interface personalization cookies, and others, such as analysis cookies or behavioral advertising (or marketing) cookies, require that we inform you and that you give us your consent before we can use them.
LocalStorage and SessionStorage are two, out of the different data storage spaces that can be located in your device’s browser and, like cookies, can be first-parti (when created by our own website) or third-party (when created by our service providers or our partners). The difference between the two spaces is that LocalStorage stores information indefinitely or until you decide to clear the browser data, while SessionStorage stores information for as long as the tab where our website is being used remains open and, once closed, the information is deleted. The difference with cookies is that these two spaces allow storing more information than cookies without impacting the performance of our website. You can find more information here.

Finally, we inform you that although the purpose of the third-party cookies we use, for which we are responsible, is that indicated in the tables in the following sections, these third parties may dedicate the data collected by their cookies to other purposes of which they are solely responsible for. In the case of third-party cookies, our responsibility for the purposes of the third parties is limited to the download of the cookies into your device (what we do for the stated purpose). You can find out more information about the purposes of these third parties, and whether or not they make transfers to third countries in their corresponding privacy policies (see the links in the tables below).

In general, the level of risk posed by cookies depends on the type of cookies, and whether they are first-party or third-party. Most cookies are not dangerous. Specifically:


Technical and preference cookies have more benefits than risks
The article 29 working party (former WP29 and current European Data Protection Board) in its Opinion 4/2012, “on the exemption from the consent requirement of cookies“, considers that they do not pose a risk for you and exempt from the obligation to obtain consent prior to their use to all cookies that:

  • are necessary for communications to be transmitted through a network between the user and the servers that host the website, and to all those that
  • are necessary to provide a specific functionality explicitly requested by the user.

This exemption from the obligation to base the legality of its use on your consent, so as not to represent a risk for you, is also reflected in the cookie guides published by most of the Data Protection Agencies of the EU countries (for example, in the case of Spanish, it is included in section 4.1 of the guide on the use of cookies, of July 2020).
WP29 even defined the purposes that it explicitly considers to have more benefits than risks for you.


Purposes of cookies explicitly excluded from informed consent
With regard to its purpose, WP29 explicitly excludes the following cookies from the obligation to obtain the informed consent of the visitor:

  • Cookies called “user input”, which are usually used to track the user’s actions when he fills in the online forms of an http(s) session, or to remember the shopping basket that he ‘user has selected in an e-commerce,
  • Session cookies that are used for user authentication or identification, which store a kind of token (witness that the user is who he claims to be and has already been authenticated) to prevent this user from having to give his/her username or password on each page he/she request and has restricted access control,
  • User security cookies, introduced specifically to strengthen the security of the service explicitly requested by the user. For example, to detect erroneous and repeated attempts to connect to a website, or abuse,
  • Media player session cookies,
  • Session cookies to balance the load on information systems,
  • User interface personalization cookies, such as to remember your preferred language, and
  • Certain plug-in cookies to exchange social content.

In general, in those cases in which a website offers its visitors a service, when the website uses cookies exclusively for the purposes for which it is not necessary to obtain consent, listed above, whether they are first-party or third-party cookies, it will not be necessary for the website controller to inform the visitor of their use or to obtain his/her consent.


Statistical cookies ALSO do not pose an appreciable risk
Regarding the processing of data collected through analysis cookies, the aforementioned opinion of the current European Data Protection Board stated that, although controllers are not exempt from the duty to obtain consent for their use, it is unlikely they represent a risk to users’ privacy as long as they are first-party cookies that process aggregated data with a strictly statistical purpose, that provide information on their uses and include the possibility for data subjects to express their negative about its use.


First-party cookies also usually do not pose an appreciable risk for you
Frist-party cookies are generated by our website, while third-party cookies are generated by services or providers independent of us, and they are these independent providers who define the purposes and means of the processing they carry out.
Our only responsibility regarding third-party cookies is the necessary collaboration of our website in the placement of these cookies on your device, placement to which we will normally be obliged as it is necessary to be able to use the services provided to us by said third-parties (for example, to check that you are not a robot of these that are so abundant on the Internet, and thus avoid that the requests or comments that could be sent to us through the forms on our website harm our attention over the authentic ones).

Technical cookies are those that allow the user to navigate through a website, platform or application as well as the use of the different options or services that exist therein, including the management and operation of the website and the enabling of its functions and services (for example, identifying your session, accessing parts of the web that have restricted access, remembering the elements that make up your purchase order, carrying out the purchase process of your order, managing your payment, etc.). The website, platform or app cannot function properly without these cookies, as they are considered necessary.
In our specific case, we use the following:

CookieConsentwww.cookiebot.comAlmacena el estado de consentimiento de cookies del usuario para el dominio actual6 meses.HTTP utiliza para comprobar si el navegador del usuario admite cookies.1 díaHTTP
CONSENTyoutube.comSe utiliza para detectar si el visitante ha aceptado la categoría de marketing en el banner de cookies. Esta cookie es necesaria para el cumplimiento del GDPR en el sitio web.2 añosHTTP

Preference or personalization cookies allow our website to remember information that changes the way our pages behave or look in order to differentiate your experience from that of other users. As an example, it usually remembers the language in which you want to view our website. If you are the one who voluntarily chooses these features, for example, by marking the flag or letters that identify the language, it is considered a service expressly requested by you as long as the cookies obey exclusively for the purpose of personalization, so in this case it would not be necessary to ask you for an explicit consent.
Our website does not use preference cookies.

Statistical or analysis cookies are those that allow us to understand how visitors interact with the pages of our website and thus carry out a statistical analysis of the services we provide. The information collected is used to measure activity on our site in order to introduce improvements in the products and services we offer you. We will use analysis cookies exclusively if you authorize us to do so, by pressing the corresponding button on the cookie banner or through the cookie’s configuration menu. Specifically, our website uses the following analysis cookies:
Name Provider Purpose Expiration Type
_ga Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. 399 days HTTP
_ga_# Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. 399 days HTTP
_gat Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate 1 day HTTP
_gid Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. 1 day HTTP
yt-player-headers-readable Used to determine optimal video quality based on the visitor’s device and network settings. 2 years HTML
OTZ This Google Analytics cookie links your activity on other devices you have previously logged into using your Google account. Based on this, the ads that you see on your devices are coordinated and conversion events are measured. 30 days HTTP

Marketing or behavioral advertising cookies store information on user behavior obtained through continuous observation of your browsing habits, which allows developing a specific profile to show relevant and attractive ads to each individual user, and to thus, more value to third-party advertisers.
We will use marketing cookies exclusively if you authorize us to do so by pressing the corresponding button on the cookie banner or through the cookie’s configuration menu.
Specifically, our website uses those indicated in the table below:


IDEgoogle.comUtilizado por Google DoubleClick para registrar e informar de las acciones del usuario del sitio web después de ver o hacer clic en uno de los anuncios del anunciante con el fin de medir la eficacia de un anuncio y presentar anuncios dirigidos al usuario.1 añoHTTP
pagead/landing [x2]google.comRecopila datos sobre el comportamiento de los visitantes de varios sitios web, con el fin de presentar anuncios más pertinentes. Esto también permite limitar el número de veces que se muestra el mismo anuncio.SesiónPixel
ads/ga-audiencesgoogle.comUtilizado por Google AdWords para volver a captar visitantes con probabilidades de convertirse en clientes basándose en el comportamiento en línea del visitante en distintos sitios web.SesiónPixel
_gcl_augoogle.comUtilizado por Google AdSense para experimentar con la eficacia de los anuncios en los sitios web que utilizan sus servicios.3 mesesHTTP
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEyoutube.comIntenta estimar el ancho de banda de los usuarios en páginas con vídeos de YouTube integrados.179 díasHTTP
YSCyoutube.comRegistra un ID único para mantener estadísticas de qué vídeos de YouTube ha visto el usuario.SesiónHTTP
ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYyoutube.comAlmacena las preferencias de reproducción de vídeo del usuario mediante un vídeo incrustado de YouTube.NuncaHTLM
yt-player-bandaid-hostyoutube.comSe utiliza para determinar la calidad de vídeo óptima en función del dispositivo y la configuración de red del visitante.NuncaHTML
yt-remote-cast-availableyoutube.comAlmacena las preferencias de reproducción de vídeo del usuario mediante un vídeo incrustado de YouTube.SesiónHTML
yt-remote-cast-installedyoutube.comAlmacena las preferencias de reproducción de vídeo del usuario mediante un vídeo incrustado de YouTube.SesiónHTML
yt-remote-connected-devicesyoutube.comAlmacena las preferencias de reproducción de vídeo del usuario mediante un vídeo incrustado de YouTube.NuncaHTML
yt-remote-device-idyoutube.comAlmacena las preferencias de reproducción de vídeo del usuario mediante un vídeo incrustado de YouTube.NuncaHTML
yt-remote-fast-check-periodyoutube.comAlmacena las preferencias de reproducción de vídeo del usuario mediante un vídeo incrustado de YouTube.SesiónHTML
yt-remote-session-appyoutube.comAlmacena las preferencias de reproducción de vídeo del usuario mediante un vídeo incrustado de YouTube.SesiónHTML
yt-remote-session-nameyoutube.comAlmacena las preferencias de reproducción de vídeo del usuario mediante un vídeo incrustado de YouTube.SesiónHTML
The website creates storage space in the user’s device browser using the LocalStorage object for the following domain:, to offer a smoother browsing experience, specifically storing the following variables:
  • _grecaptcha
These spaces are necessary for the proper functioning of the website.
You can administer, manage and deactivate the cookies used by our website at any time from your browser, for example, to withdraw your consent, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your browser: • Instructions for Microsoft EdgeInstructions for Google ChromeInstructions for Google AndroidInstructions for Internet Explorer 11Instructions for Mozilla FirefoxInstructions for OperaInstructions for Safari
We will update this Cookies Policy whenever necessary to reflect changes in our website. If there are substantial changes to this policy, we will notify you before they come into effect by publishing a prominent notice in the cookie banner. In any case, we recommend that you periodically review this Cookie Policy to find out which ones we use and how we use them.

Last updated: 1 March 2023